Friday, September 24, 2010

Who Gets the Bread???

You guys did a great job presenting your arguments about why your group should get the bread. So now you get to step into Louis XVI's shoes...Who does he give the bread to? He has both the 2nd and 3rd Estates angry with him for different reasons. If you were Louis, how would you deal with this situation and why? Remember, you're trying to keep things as peaceful as possible in the middle of a financial and economic crisis without literally losing your head.


  1. If I was in Louis XBI's shoes I would give the bread to the third estate. Since they are the majority of the population they could rebel with more numbers then the first and second estates. I could deal with the nobles. As for the first estate god put me on this earth to rule France so why would he be mad at me. This is why if I was Louis XVI I would give the bread to the third estate.

  2. I would give the bread to the 3rd estate because there are more people. 3rd estate makes up 98 % of the population so you do have a lot of people to feed but then you will get more workers when children get older. If I were Louis XVI I would give the bread to the 3rd estate

  3. I would split up the bread into as equal pieces as I can get and give it all to the the 3rd estate because there are more people which means more loyal citizens. they're also the poorest. Im just being a nice Louis XVII.

  4. If I was Louis XVI I would give the bread to the 2nd Estate. There aren't as many people to feed than the 3rd Estate, and they will be more helpful. They have more power than the farmers, would be more loyal, and they would give me protection.

  5. I would probably give the bread to the 3rd estate because of the number of workers I would lose to starvation. If the people in the 3rd estate died, then there would be less people to pay taxes. That means less money to put towards projects.

  6. I think that I would give the bread to the 3rd estate. They suffer being the lowest class because they are poor and have to pay huge taxes. The 1st and 2nd have always been rich or had a very decent living style. Plus the 3rd estate makes up 98 % of the population and they could easily rebel.

  7. I know that being King Louis XVI may not always be easy. I agree with Alex's point about giving the bread to the 3rd Estate. It's hard being in the third estate because you have to pay taxes(everything and anything is taxed,) you get a very little salary,if you are even bringing money in from your job, you have a small amount of rights, and you will never be able to move up on the feudal system; like every other system but this one is worse because the second estate has a little bit more than the third. I would give the third estate the bread, but think of something else to give the second estate(kind of bribing them.)It's a lot easier if you give the bread to the working people because the second estate had to give the jobs to the third estate, so now if the king gives the third estate the bread they will work even harder and be stronger in their jobs, mentally and physically because they have nutrition and they have something to look forward to at the end of a long day. And if you don't give the second estate the bread but something else, i think they will still be pleased because they are still retrieving something from the King. This might be a peaceful and effective way of settling things between the second and third estates.

  8. If i were King Louis XVI, i would give the bread to the people in the 3rd estate. the 3rd estate takes up more of the population of the second. also the 3rd has many more starving people. Those starving people have to pay the extreme taxes that the people in the second estate do not. Clearly the poor, hard working people of the third estate deserve the bread more.

  9. If i were Louis XVI, i would give the bread to the the 3rd estate. I would give it to them because the make uo 98% of the population and i would rather a have to deal with 1% of the population that have had it easy their entire lives than to deal with 98% of the population that has had it hard their entire life and are used to crulety. And also they deserve it more because they work hard and pay taxes so if they are feed then they will continue to pay taxes and work for low wages....the 2nd estate does nothing so they don't deserve it and they have nothing to hold against the king.

  10. If I were the King I would give the bread to the third estate. The 3rd Estate does most of the work (farming, baking, taking care of sick people, etc) and they pay taxes. So they basically already own the bread since they pay the King most of the money they make. It would be sort of like a trade, money for bread. The 3rd Estate also makes up 98% of the population so being the King you would probably rather make a big group of people happy than a small group of people because the bigger group of people could revolt and overthrow you. The reasons why I wouldn't give the 2nd Estate the bread is because they already get enough and if they get the bread they will be having everything handed to them and they won't know what it's like to work for something. They already don't have the pay taxes and they have land. If the 2nd Estate really needed the bread they would have to give me something in return. And why would I give the bread to a small percentage of the population? I need the 3rd Estate to do work so I won't have the pay the 2nd Estate more for the same amount of work.

  11. I would give the bread probably to the third estate, mainly because its the vast majority of the people. Also, the 2nd estate doesnt need to pay taxes while the 3rd estate does, so its already unfair there also.Also since 98 percent of the people are in the 3rd estate, thats 98 percent more people that wont kill me.

  12. I would most definitely give the bread to the Third Estate. First of all, they make up most of the population, so if they all starved, there would be very few people in France. Second, they are the working class AND they pay the taxes. So not only do they basically fund the country, they provide for the country. Food, products, services, much of which comes from the work of the Third Estate. If they were to starve, many other people in France would die just because they depended on the lower class to provide for them. Basically, the country wouldn't be able to run without the Third Estate, so I would give the bread to them.

  13. I would give the bread to the 3rd estate because they make up 98% of the population & there the ones doing all the hard work. They get taxed unlike the 1st & 2nd estate. Alot of the peasants & farmers crops are stolen by theifs so this bread would help many families stay alive.

  14. I would also give the bread to the third estate because they're the ones that support France with thier taxes and jobs. And because they make up almost the entire population, so I wouldn't want them to rebell against me.

  15. I would give it to the people of the third estate because without them there would be no way King Louis XV1 could get any of his labor done. He needs the people of the third estate to fill the jobs of doing the slave work. Without the bread they will starve and soon die, or they will start to get upset and take down the King because they easily out number his army.
