Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Reign of Terror

During the Reign of Terror, Robespierre suspended the newly granted rights of the citizens to protect the new republic in France from threats. These threats included foreign armies trying to invade France to crush the revolution, as well as counterrevolutionary threats from within France. Do you think the methods Robespierre used during the Terror helped or hurt the revolution? In a time of great distress, do you think a government should have the right to suspend the rights of citizens to protect the well-being of the country, like Robespierre did?


  1. I think it helped the revolution but in a bad way, and no I do think the government should have the right to suspend the rights of the citizens

  2. I think that the terror helped when only a few people were killed, but then when the bloodshed happened it steered the revolution down the wrong path. The government should not be able to suspend the rights of the citizens.

  3. i think that Robespierres method worked at first but then got out of hand after the first 1000 people were killed, when they first started to kill people i think that people started to get scared but then they took it out of hand afterwards. i think he started to eventually started to help the revolution.

  4. i think that Robespierres idea worked but it started to get out of hand as the number of people getting killed increased. The goverement had no right to suspend the rights of all the citizens.

  5. I think Robespierre's methods during the Reign of Terror were logical; fear was probably the easiest and fastest way to succeed in the Revolution. In some ways, it did help. It got rid of the monarchy and several enemies, but in a very brutal and drastic way. At this point, Robespierre was desperate for ways to succeed. I appreciated his outstanding leadership and nationalism, but I agree with Callie, he took it way too far.

    Sometimes, for the country's well-being, you have to have citizens who respect you, and they won't respect OR support you if they don't have fair rights. In general, I don't think the government should have the right to suspend the citizens' rights.

  6. I think that what Robespeirre did was helpful to the revolution. He had to choose what was right for the revolution. I think it depends on the situation and the country if someone should be able to suspend the people's rights. If the country is developing or unstable and the situation is bad enough, than a leader should for the well-being of the people and the country. But a country as stable as the USA shouldn't do this, it would just cause chaos.

  7. i think that Robespeirre method was a good method but only at first. It started off okay when it was only a few people getting killed but when hundreds of people were getting killed, i think he had gone over-board. He was helpful to the revolution in the beginning, he had to make many chooses in little time. I don't think that the government should be able to take away or suspend the citizens rights because then everything goes crazy in the community and they start going against the government which makes it more hectic. If the country is at war and people from all estates start doing weird, crazy things then maybe the government should take the rights away from the citizens, but if the country is doing fine, and is not corrupt then i don't think it's necessary to take away their rights.

  8. I think that it worked because people were terrified to speak bad of the revolution. I do not think that the government should have the right to suspend citizens rights.

  9. I think the methods of Robespierre helped keep the revolution going because of all the violence he created.

  10. I agree with Robespierre's methods. France was coming out of a difficult time period and suspending the rights of men helped keep both the revolution going and some order in France. Without a strong leader, France would have just slipped into even greater chaos. Killing the enemies of the revolution was the way to go.

  11. I think that Rosepierre's methods worked for the beggining until a lot of people were killed, after that it just got out of hand. And i don't think Rospierre should be able to do what he did.

  12. It was a pretty good idea, and it worked. But when the number of deaths went up, it got out of hand. He shouldn't have taken it that far even though France was going through a tough time.

  13. I believe Robespierres methods were good to a point, until he basically became insane and thought that random people were against the revolution. I do believe the government should have the right to suspend citizens rights because in a time of need someone has to take charge.

  14. I think Robespierres method was very successful in the means of putting fear into the people of France. But i think he lost respect but that was alright becaus he had power through fear. After a while his method got out of hand and more and more people started to be put to death. Soon enough people feared him so much they put him to death.
