Friday, June 3, 2011

Who's responsible for the Holocaust?

Are there different heights of responsiblity for the Holocaust? Who do you think deserves the blame and how much of the blame do they deserve?


  1. In my opinion, i think that there are very different heights of responsibility for the Holocaust. Hitler had a huge part in it, but the bystanders of the whole thing are a big part of it too. Although they may not have been able to do much, they could have formulated a plan instead of just watching a mass murder take place.I cannot really say who deserves the blame because it impacted history so much, and it was such a big event that i cannot just put the blame on one person. If i had to choose who deserved the blame though i would probably chose the Germans(bystanders) because it was not Hitlers fault for coming into power, because some people did like the way he ruled. But it was fault that he murdered millions of people. i think this question can not be answered fairly.

  2. There's not one specific person to blame for the holocaust because so many people stood by hitler and his rules. I think that Hitler abused his power, and killed millions of Jews because he needed a reason for the Germans decline economically and politically. German (supporters) I think knew enough information to do something to save life's but chose not to because they believed what hitler was doing was okay because he had made Germany successful in his was of ruling. If the Germans decide to do something about the treatment of Jews I think they thought Germany would go back into decline and they didn't want that because they were becoming so successful .

  3. The blame for the holocaust is wide spread for you cannot blame one person. Hitler had a huge part in the holocaust but the German bystanders could have become up standers and maybe have save some of the bloodshed. I feel that you cannot just blame Germany for the casualties because the Western powers saw that Hitler's policy's were aimed toward the destruction of Jews. The western powers could have stepped in to stop Hitler before he got into power. That blame is smaller in the grand scheme of things. The soldiers "just following orders" were partly to blame. The argument of just following orders is pretty weak in my opinion because if someone ordered you to do something that would hurt you obviously you would not do anything but when other people are getting hurt the same principles apply except you know that your safe. If the soldiers took a second to think how the Jewish people felt the deaths would not be as large.

  4. This question is almost impossible to answer because of the heights of blame. So many people were involved that it's hard to dish out even punishment to anyone involved in the Holocaust. To put it simply, I would say that the perpetrators are the most to blame, but the bystanders should be punished, too. But if you think about it, the bystanders, the people who knew what was happening, were punished with shame. After the Holocaust, the world was horror-struck with the reality of it, and realized that nobody (bystanders) said anything, even though it happened right under their noses. These actions were punishable with the shame and guilt that everyone felt, either the bystanders felt it about themselves, or the rest of the world directed it at the bystanders.

  5. I think that there are many peolpe to blame for the Holocaust. Obviously the people that made decitions like to invade a city or to send Jews to a death camp. Although SS troppers that abused jews cannot be prosecuted much because there are too many. While it would take too long to prosecute thousands of people for breaking war laws and international laws, they can be punished for moral laws. People will see them as heartless people. But you have to think about what would you do if you were a German citizen. Or if you were drafted into the military. Would you flee the country? Would you try to liberate the jews and risk your life? What if you were told these people turned your great country into ruble? Or made you father lose his job? Wouldn't you be mad at them? Like I said there is no excuse for killing millions of innocent people, but what would you do?

  6. I think there are a ton of people to blame for the Holocaust. Obviously first I would blame Hitler for being the leader and for making all the rules for the Jews. After that I would blame all the highly positioned people that probably also had their good amount of decisions too. Then I would blame all the SS officers that largely outnumbered the higher up people and were also armed with weapons, but never took a stand for what was right even thought they were getting commands from high power. After that I would blame all the civilians of Germany because there is a very large chance that they knew what was going on, but just turned their heads because their country was doing better and their own personal lives weren't being affected. Then i think it goes out to a lot of government officials in the world. They can say that they didn't know or couldn’t find out, but i think they are just lying because now they feel bad and it puts a bad image on them. So they also turned their heads because they were too focused with fixing or helping their own counties. Overall i think that a lot of people share blame, but there are certainly different heights of where to put the blame, Hitler being the top.

  7. I think that there are many people to blame for the holocaust. Hitler told people what to do and they did it because that's what they were trained to do, follow orders no matter what they were. If everybody said no to hitler then who knows if there would have been a holocaust. Yes hitler was telling them what to do but they could have refused. I think that hitler and everyone else that was involved in the holocaust should be blamed for their actions and take respondsibility for what they did. They killed and wittnessed millions of people so they should take respondsibility for their actions. The germans that knew what was going on could have done something to stop hitler but they didn't.

  8. The holocaust defiantly doesn't have just one person to blame. Though Hitler was the main person who made most (if not all) of the decisions on killing all of the Jews and what not. But all of the Generals that were at the top and obeyed all of Hitler’s commands are defiantly responsible for a huge chunk of it. They could have just decided that Hitler’s orders were too bad to obey. Also, basically almost the whole German population knew at least a little about what was happening to the Jews. They could have tried to formulate a plan or even just desperately ask for help from other countries before the whole holocaust got out of hand. So all in all, I’d say Hitler is the main piece that should be blamed. His generals should defiantly be another large part of the blame, and lastly basically all of the other Germans should be to some point blamed.

  9. I dont believe that any one person can be blamed for the Holocaust. It's true that Hitler was the one who started everything, but at the same time he could not have done it alone. Germany was a mess after WWI and because of this he easly gained power. People were so relieved to have a powerful leader that they listened to everything he said, sometimes with out thinking. Germany as a hole was to blame for the holocaust because they allowed Hitler to think for them.

  10. I think that there are different heights Of responsibility to the holocaust because there is no one to blame specifically. There are people like Hitler who started the holocaust but there are also people like the bystanders who are also to blame. There are also the people who obeyed Hitler and killed many of the Jews. Hitler deserves most of the blame but he is not the only one. Nazi officers are also to blame because they carried out the orders of Hitler. So I believe that everyone was to blame for the Holocaust

  11. Most people would put the blame Hitler for the Holocaust, but Hitler could not pull something that large and inhumane by himself so i would put the blame on not only Hitler but everyone who followed his command. I believe the by-standers are not to blame but are to be shown that such things can happen when you stand there and watch. So i believe the blame is split in between Hitler and his followers mostly and partially the bystanders for not doing whats right.
