Thursday, May 12, 2011

Dropping the Bomb

Considering the options that President Truman had when making the decision to use the atomic bomb, do you think President Truman made the correct decision, or do you think he should have gone in a different direction? Explain. Also, now that we know the long term effects of using nuclear weapons, do you think the U.S. owes the Japanese an apology for using the bombs? Why or why not?


  1. I think president Truman made the correct decision in dropping the bomb on Japan. They attacked pearl harbor they deserved that but now that we know the long term effects of the bomb, and other nuclear weapons I don't think that it was the right thing to do to the Japanese and I think we do ow them an apology for what we did to them.

  2. President Truman had a couple of choices. He shouldn't have dropped the bomb. I think that demonstrating the atomic bomb is enough. It shows that we have the power to kill 100,000's of people, then if the Japanese still decided to stay in the war we could use it on the people. I think that the U.S. does not owe Japan an apology, if they did not want there people to die they shouldn't have started a war.

  3. I think that President Truman shouldnt have dropped the bomb on Japan because it showed that the US had a lot of power over other countries in the world. To me it makes us somewhat of a target for Japans allies because we killed so many of the japanese. it also makes us seem stronger than other countries because we have the resources and money to build these atomic bombs. i think we owe them an apology because we could have given them warning of dropping the bomb, yes maybe it wouldnt have killed as many japanese that the US wanted but it would have given them the message to surrender. and hopefully, eventually they would have surrendered.

  4. President Truman did have a couple choices to make; either to drop the bomb or save it. i think it can go either way because Japan did lose a lot of people and did lose a lot of valuable things but at the same time i think that saving it for something more extreme like a severe war would have been better. we used it so early on that if we ever dropped another one they could easily prepare and make more extreme weapons. It does show Japan that the US is a very strong country and can create this kind of technology. I do not think that the US owes Japan an apology because Japan took a lot away from the US and Japan also bombed Pearl Harbor. They set themselves up for trouble because they started the war and they wanted the fight, and thats exactly what they got.

  5. I think President Truman should have shown our power on a deserted island. That way the slaughter of innocent people could have been avoided. I think he made the wrong decision about where to drop the bomb, but not about using the bomb itself. I feel that the U.S. Does not owe the Japanese an apology. The United States had no laws preventing the destruction of civilian life. President Truman even warned the Japanese and in a time of war usualy people would not be joking about the might and power that the country has.

  6. I think that Truman made the right decision of dropping the bomb, because obviously it worked pretty well, and Japan is actually a friend to the U.S. now. I do think that dropping the bomb in an isolated area should have been attempted first, because maybe the Japanese would have backed off on their defenses and realized the power that we had. However, I don't believe we should apologize for the dropping of the bombs. When Japan started conquering China and parts of Southeast Asia, the U.S. didn't want to see it become as deadly a force as Hitler, so we had to stop their conquest as quick as we could.

  7. I think that Truman made the right decision of dropping the bomb on the Japanese. The bomb did have a lot of affect on the Japanese, I think it showed them we meant buissness and after we had a lot of power over other countries because we had the threat of the atomic bomb. I dont think an apology was needed either because they did bomb us and killed many American citizens, and they didn't apologize for doing that to us.

  8. Trumans decision seems like the right decision considering the information that he already knew like, that the japanese were never going to surrender and would fight to the death, and that we would lose about a million soldiers if we continued to fight them regularly. Dropping the bomb had its ups and downs because the bomb really did end the war almost instantly, it showed how much power we have, and made modern wars fought a little differently because countries just threaten to use a huge bomb to scare them away. But the down fall for the atomic bomb is that they created a weapon that could easily just destroy the world, and the after affects of the bomb could really mess up people around the area that was bombed. Now that we know the affects of the bomb I think it could be reasonable to give a little apology to the Japnese mainly because our main objective was just to end the war, not to destroy everything in japan, I still feel that we shouldn't feel sorry for bombing them because we warned them of what we were doing.

  9. I think Truman's decision to drop the A-bomb was a extremely good idea . Fire bombing and all those other tactics are somewhat effective, but if we had kept on doing that the U.S. would have lost a huge number of unnecessary lives. The bomb(s) ended the war almost imminently and the least amount of lives were lost by the U.S. . I don't think the U.S. owes Japan an apology because it's war . War is war , there will always be a winner an a loser and the loser has to pay the price . It would make no sence to get into a fight with someone, kick the crap outta them and then say "ohh uh sorry for beating you" . Yeah so the right decision was made.

  10. I think that president Truman made the correct decision to drop the bomb because he had no other choice. The Japanese refused to surrender and if the U.S. chose to invade Japan, they might have lost more soldiers than they should have. I do not think that the U.S. owes an apology to Japan because the war had already gone for a long time and President Truman had no other choice but to bomb Japan.

  11. I believe President Truman made the right decision by dropping the bomb on Japan instead of constant barrages of napalm and other strikes claiming more and more lives. I also feel its good the atomic bomb was shown because who knows who would of created the next bomb and example it, it could of been us receiving the explosion. I feel the U.S. should not apologize but understand what has been done and hopefully wont happen again.

  12. I Feel that President Truman made the wrong decision. I think one bomb would have been enough. One Atomic bomb causes enough damage and killed enough innocent people,there was no need for a second. I also feel the U.S. should apologies to Japan. Yes we were in a War, and yes the Japanese did attack us, but 2 atomic bombs were not a proper resolution.
