Monday, November 1, 2010

The Impact of Napoleon

Historians often debate the impact of Napoleon. Very simple question...was Napoleon good or bad for France? Pick a side and use specific information that you learned from the Napoleon unit to back up your response.


  1. I believe that Napoleon had a bad impact on France. Since Napoleon lost so many troops France is now defenseless to attacks by other countries. Also the people might loss everything they fought for during the revolution period. Also the French people have lost pride in their country. Also the French are now going to be punished by the other countries that they defeated while Napoleon was the leader.

  2. I think Napoleon did both good and bad for France, for the good he made a strong name in history for France and put them on the map because of his tactical skills on the battle field. Starting off in military school when he was only nine he progressed up the power ladder. He also did bad by trying to move through Europe to fast and soon enough got to Russia and found out he had made his biggest mistake. After trying to retreat back to France, Napoleon's army decreased from 400,000 down to 10,000, and his grand army was gone. This lead to Frances downfall.

  3. I think that napoleon had a good imact on France at first but his invasion on Russia made the people of France Exile him because he lost 390,000 troop during the invasion because of the winter.

  4. I think that Napoleon was good and bad for France. Good by expanding territory, uaing different attacks on each country and creating a well trained army. He came back for 100 days too lead France in another battle with very little army they had left, which was a bad move because he was there for such a short time and then got exiled again. Bad by leaving to try and conquer Russia left with 400,000 troops and came back with 10,000 because he couldnt feed all of the troops he brought with him.

  5. I think Napoleon had a bad overall impact on France. At first he had expanded France's borders, but then he pretty much lost it all after he tried to invade Russia and when it was all over Frace's borders had asctually shrunk and there was a negetive ego in France.

  6. I think Napoleon was bad for France. He lost all his land and killed thousands of his troops when he tried to invade Russia. Also, all of France's nationalism is gone after he lost battle after battle. Finally, Napoleon losing troops and making enemies makes France very susceptible to foreign countries coming into France and setting up a monarchy, which is what France fought against for fifteen years in the Revolution.

  7. I think that Napoleon had a bad affect on France. He expanded and had many allies but he lost it after trying to invade Russia. The Russians burned everything that the France could've used to succeed in conquering the country. Since the Russians did that, Napoleon's army shrunk leaving France hopeless.After failing to invade Russia,France's downfall started.

  8. I think Napoleon had a good bad effect on France because he was so focused on wanting the power and ruling as much land as possible, that he could not focus on the real issues he was having; society. Even though he had some good moments, he made his army so big that when he went to fight he couldn't move fast enough. Napoleon had conquered some land and was quickly growing in power, but later France finds out that Napoleon having the great amount of power he has goes insane and starts wanting to start war every other week, which in the end turns out to be very very bad. Soon he lost all his land and killed hundreds of troops trying to invade Russia. Not having enough shelter, supplies, and food. When Napoleon got back to France with only a few hundred of his troops he became very "unpopular" in the French community. Other countries were now going to come into France and create a monarchy which is what they were fighting not to have in the Revolution. Since the other countries were smart and said while he doesn't have an army i m going to into his country and set up a monarchy. When Napoleon was exiled, he stayed for a little but then escaped. France was doing horrible without Napoleon so when he returned all of France cheered. He fought one for time, got an army together and went to war. (100 Days War) He was defeated and then he was exiled for the second time, and this time he stayed there for the rest of his life. so overall Napoleon was a bad leader for France.

  9. I think that napoleon had a mixture of both good and bad effects on france. For a little bit, Napoleon ruled almost all of Europe. Heres where the bad starts; he gets so greedy that he trys to take over Russia only to get shut down by the terrible winter and lack of food. He ended up losing nearly 400,000 of france's troops. He later gets exiled. So basically Napoleon just left france in ruins while hes stranded on an island. Though he eventually comes back, he yet again fails to bring back power.

  10. I do believe that Napolean brought prosperity to France and parts of Europe. For instance, he abolished the weak holy Roman Empire and created the Confederation of the Rhine. He also created the Consulate in place of the unstable Directory. He spread Enlightenment ideas throughout several countries.
    However, many of his actions angered and were not supported by some of these countries. Spaniards were angered by the crowning of his brother as their new king and by Napolean putting the church under state control. Austria sought revenge for a previous battle that was dominated by Napolean. Russia disagreed with the Continental System, and therefore withdrew from it. This led to a war between Napolean and Russia, which Napolean risked 400,000 soldiers on. Since most died in this battle, Napolean returned defeated, and with no army, leaving France vulnerable and defenseless. His risky behavior resulted in this ultimate downfall. Not to mention, his controlling tendency did piss off a lot of people. I think the sole purpose of his actions were a little more greedy and power-hungry, so I think he was probably a little worse for France.

  11. Napoleon had a great impact on France. France was in a time of chaos and Napoleon brought order. Along with that he also conquered many new territories bringing nationalism to France. Forgetting that small mistake of trying to invade Russia, Napoleon had a great impact on France.

  12. I think that Napoleon did good things for France. when he came to power it ended the French Revolution. Also Napoleon's rules were fair and the people liked them. He made France known in history, and maid France strong again with his military skills.

  13. Napoleon was very good for France because he gave France a specific goverment and rules to follow. He ended the French revolution, and the violence in France. He concord many new territories too. He had a strong military to back him up and people respected him.

  14. Napoleon turned France around from the revolution. He did a great deal of good untill his critical mistake in Russia. Although his ways of leading upset Spainard, Austrians, and Russians. They rebelled against the continental system.
    So Napoleon wanted to fight back, and he went to Russia with high hopes bringing 400,000 men along side. He returned with a majority of his army left behind because the lack of shelter, food, and other supplies. France wasn't thrilled at all.
    Napoleon turned France around, and brought new war techniques, but he had an overall negitive effect on France as a whole.
