Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Labor Negotiation

What are the pros and cons of negotiating with management for better working conditions? What was the experience like in class negotiating with me? Do you think negotiations are a good way of settling labor disputes?


  1. Some cons of talking to the management of who you are working for are: the management is most likely not going to accept your requests because they have to pay money to fix it, and the worker has to be careful about what they say because they could get fired. Some pros of talking to your boss are: the worker can talk directly to the boss and not someone else, not talking to the boss does not give a second opinion to the situation. In class the negotiation was hard because reasons for how to get people to help to do this reform is not easy to come up with. Negotiations are a okay way of settling labor disputes but there could be a better system.

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  3. Pros: you could ask someone before asking your boss and get a second opinion and your boss might go for it.

Cons: your boss might not go for it because of cost. He also might fire you because of what you say. He might also just ignore you because he thinks your complaining.

I thought the experience of negotiating with you was cool, except for the fear of not picked. (Like when I was negotiating leaving school grounds I didn’t think my group had a very good argument [“the seniors can do it, why cant we”]) not like it would do anything. 
I think negotiating is a good way of settling labor disputes. I bet there have been worse systems

  4. The cons are that your boss is most likely not going to go with your idea because it wilpl cost him more money or more of an effort which he wanta to do neither of. Also a lot of the time when people want to get their way they say a lot of things that they dont mean or they do mean but just aren't supposed to say in front of their boss so that might get you fired.

    The pros are that you get to sayt exactly what you want to say because if you passed the problem along through something else all of the things that you wanted to point out might be not mentioned.

    Talking to you in class was difficult because we did not have aq lot of time to come up with a real argument and also pretty much everything that we wanted to argue would cost more money so you said no to everything we suggested. I think negotiating is a good idea to settle labor disputes it just needs time put into thew argument.

  5. pro: -if you give good ideas maybe your boss will consider it. -you get to express your feelings about your job and what you want to change and why.

    con: -your boss will most likey deny it because they dont want to spend money that could be coming out of their paycheck, they dont really care about yours. -they dont want o make changes that can affect their jobs.

    i think negotiating is a good was to settle labor disputes because you say whats on your mind. if you have a good reasons you could make a change. if you are determinded to change something then you will try your hardest to change it.

  6. The pros of negotiating are that anyone can easily ask the person in power for what you want. The cons of this is that your boss may fire you or he could say no, but that doesn't mean that it isn't worth it to try. I think that negotiating with you was frustrating but a good way to get your point across. I feel like we had so many good points on how we could improve the school and the student and teachers working at it. The only counterpoint was that the school had no money to do these things. Although it was easy to do it and was worth it if we got what we wanted. I think that negotiations aren't very fair. The person listening to the arguments has all the power and will only do what will be best for them. If a group of people was set up to listen to what the people had to say it would be a more fair decision.

  7. negotiating is a good way to get your ideas out to the person in charge of you, the bad part is that he/she can easily disagree with your idea. The point of negotiating is to try to make something better than what it was originally, the problem with that if it cost money especially to much money the person in charge will say no. the only way that your idea can be considered is if it doesn't cost much

  8. Unfortunately, the person you are negotiating with has more money/power then you do so its tough to try to get them to change something. Unless it directly benefits them in some way or another, the boss will not chance anything. In order to win you have to see both sides of the argument and not just yours. The class had first hand experience trying to negotiant with you but no one was able to make changes. Because of this I learned that negotiating is not the way to go and if you want to get something done you have to revolt or go on strike. If you go on strike then your boss might be forced to change stuff, even if it costs money from his/her pocket. Those greedy corporate bosses have to realize that the majority of the people (including children) are working in terrible conditions to support their families. All and all negotiations are ways that you can settle things peacefully, and if you have a good enough reason the boss might consider it.

  9. The pros of negotiating is that everybody will be happy because if you have a good idea to offer and something good will come out of it, you'll both get something in return. And if you negotiate something good then better things might emerge from that.

    The cons of negotiating is that the thing you are negotiating might not always be a problem or matter to the person you are negotiating with. Or if you do negotiate something and it turns out bad.

    I think for that time period negotiating was a good way to settle labor disputes because it was the only way to change things, the person who's running the business wouldn't change his rules if it's not going to have a positive impact on him or his business. That would be too easy if someone asked their boss to do something and they did it. It would take more then that and negotiating would be the way to go if you have something good to offer then you will get something good in return.

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  11. Pros. You get to show your boss a new view on his work place. You might get lucky, and he will change the work facility. You get to express your ideas with him. More ideas might come if you share your ideas with the boss.

    Cons. Since you expressed your feelings about the work facility, he might find you ungratefull, and he will fire you. You probably will get denied unless the idea will help him get more money. To put the idea into reality, it will cost the boss money. He doesn't need to really listen to you, and he definatly doesn't need to act on your idea.

    Negotiating with you was fun, but you didn't budge on most of our ideas because it ended up costing you money.

    I think negotiating is a decent way of settling labor disputes because it doesn't involve violence. But if you really need to change something but he won't budge, this method isn't very good.

  12. Pros -can speak your mind
    -talk directly to your boss

    Cons- boss might take offense to some of the changes
    -could get fired
    -most ideas would cost more money to be spent

    I think that negotiation is a good idea but might not always lead to the turn out you want. Your boss might take offense to you wanting to change his rules & guidlines of his buissness. And most of the changes would need more money to be spent.

  13. Some pros of negotiating would be actually having your working conditions improved. Also, you will have brought up several issues to the boss that could help improve manufacturing and production of the company. However, these actions are risky, because the outstanding complaints may cost you your job. Or, your boss could simply refuse to take any of your suggestions, and make you work harder. The boss may also be insulted that you doubt his sense or superiority, and then fire you.
    In class, you had to work hard to negotiate with the boss, and you were worried that he was going to shoot down your suggestions. In other words, you had to have a really good argument.
    I think that negotiations may be the best way to solve labor disputes. Of course, I've heard of striking and protesting, but people usually resort to that when negotiations have proved useless. Negotiating is probably the only way to get anywhere without getting people pissed off.

  14. Pros: its straight forward because you talk directly to your boss.

    cons: boss ignors your requests,
    shuts down your argument because he thinks your complaing, or he doesnt want to pull through because the change costs money.

    negotiation is a great idea, but from my expierience in class it was really hard to comme up with things you wanted to hear, and counter arguements that wernt complaints. There deffinatly could be a better system to take care of labor disputes.

  15. The cons of negotiatiing with your boss or a person with more power than you is that they can easily put down your idea and fire you. Some pros are that it voices you opinion and it never hurts to try to negotiate because they might say yes. It is a risky thing to try because it might be hard getting another job if your fired, so it might be best to keep your mouth shut. I felt negotiating with you was a challenge because you always had something to question and it was if i didnt have a rebut to come on with something on hand. It was good to know what it was like though if you would have asked for better working conditions. I dont think its a totally bad idea, but its not a good idea either. i think that there are better ways to handle something like that and different ways you can communicate. Although, negotiating is one way that doesnt make people really angry, i guess it depends on who you are dealing with..

  16. Negotiating is good and its bad, you show your boss the things he does not see normaly, like hazardous working areas that can be fixed and the minor flaws you notice. You can also enlighten your boss with many new suggestions that may help the business, but some suggestions may just be pointless and don't help the growth of the business at all. Usually those ideas would be turned down, because they don't focus on the company's growth but the comfort or happiness of the workers. Without the arguments of the workers there would not be laws on safety in working areas protecting the people who produce the raw materials. So all together negotiating isn't as bad as it seems.

  17. The pro of negotiating with management are that they might listen to what you have to say and make a change. The con is that you might become hated or even get fired. It was very hard to convince you to consider our argument. I think negotiations are a good way of settling labor disputes because people can view the arguments of both sides.
