Monday, December 20, 2010

Technology of the Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution brought us a lot of new, useful technology, a lot of which we still use today. You've listened to your classmates present powerpoints about the usefulness of many of these new inventions. In your opinion, is there one invention from the industrial revolution that we couldn't get along without in today's world? Why is it the MOST important?


  1. I think the best invention of the industrial revolution was electricity. Without electricity we would be able to use everything we have today. Cellphones, computers, TV, clocks, everything we use wouldn't work without electricity. We wouldn't have light either. In todays society we cannot get through life without electricity so that is why I think it is the best invention during the industrial revolution.

  2. I think that the best invention of the industrial revolution is electricity. In today's society life basically runs on electricity. Without it there would be a lot less jobs and life would be less convenient for everyone. Think about your day how much of it does something that is run by electricity in the same area as you. I have something electrical near me for the entire day at school and at home. That's why electricity is best.

  3. I think that the best invention of the industrial revolution is electricity. If there wasn't any electricity, we wouldn't have a lot of technology in general that we have today. There would be many less jobs, and daily life would be a lot different and harder for people. Most of the things we do relay on electricity. This is why i think electricity is the best invention from the industrial revolution.

  4. These are really hard questions to answer, especially from our point of view because technology is such a big part of our lives. I know that I'm on my phone or computer a lot, and there is a lot more technologies that I use without even thinking about it. I think it is a close call between electricity and the toilet. I think that when the sewer system/toilet was invented, it made a bigger, more sudden impact in the industrial community. When this was invented, all of the sudden the food and water was cleaner, the streets were cleaner, the houses were cleaner, disease didn't spread as easily, and less people died. This was a very abrupt change. The reason I think it was a tie with electricity is because when electricity was first invented, we didn't have everything we have today, like T.V., cell phones, iPods, a lot of products we use day-to-day. Electricity was a more slow, gradual change, but it has brought an incredibly positive impact upon the world. We use electricity more times a day than we can count. So I really can't decide between the toilet/sewer system or electricity.

  5. I think by far, electricity is the best invention for a number of reasons, it basically powers everything, like ipods, computers, lights, and almost everything else you can possibly think of. Also, it keeps our world green, it does't polute the world. Lastly its a reusable source of power, so we can never run out of it.

  6. I agree with everyone else by thinking that without electricity we couldent get along without today. I think this because a lot of the things weuse in every day life uses elctricity. Also without electricty people probably would have been able to invent a lot of the inventions invented during the industrial revolution. If we didn't have electricity daily life would be so different and simple tasks would extremely harder to do. That is why i think electricity is the best invention of the industrial revolution.

  7. I think that the toilet/sewer system were the most important because they keep us clean and healthy. Without them we would live in much more filth and disease. Also it allows cities to be bigger. Imagine New York City with poop all along the streets. Nobody would be able to live there. Having toilets and sewers make our civilizations bigger and healthier.

  8. i have been reading i see that electricity was voted best for the most important invention, and i think that is correct. I think this is correct because electricity is not everything in this world but its most of it. I mean we rely on it so much these days and use it for a lot of things in and out of the household. It is an amazing invention because a lot of other inventions are also based off of electricity so it is a very good invention over all. It makes life easier by making tasks easier, making jobs easier...ect. this is why i think electricity is most important invention.

  9. I would have to go with aspirin because it helps us when we are sick and if we don't treat sickness we can die. like Grace said we swallow 1000000 every hour. every body relies on it. A lot of people said electricity but we don't need electricity to live, but we do need medicine to live.

  10. i think electricity was a really good invention, because it makes peoples lives easier. We do need electricity cause of the many ways we use it like the machines that we use at hospitals run on electricity our computers, cellphones, and many other things run on electricity that makes our lives safer and easier.

  11. I think the greatest invention was electricity. I think this because without electricity humans can not go a today without using electricity in some way. When we watch T.V or talking on the phone, we are using electricity. Electricity is the source of many of the greatest inventions we have today.

  12. I think the industrial revolutions greatest invention would be electricity. i think this because without it we would not of been able to advance in machines and technology , without it we would also be living in a much more harsh-full habitat. Even without electricity we would probably die younger because without the machines and tools we have today used for surgey would not of been able to be created.
