Friday, January 14, 2011

European Rule of Africa

You spent a week or so examining the topic of imperialism, specifically the European takeover of Africa. Based on what you've read and watched and considering the state of Africa today, do you think Africa benefitted at all from European influence? In your response, state a few reasons why.


  1. I think the European influence on Africa had both positive and negetive influences on Africa. A couple positive ones were the Europeans modernized Africa and brought western and more advanced technology and methods to Africa. Another positive influence the Europeans had on Africa was that they taught the Africans how to harvest their continents natural resources because they Africans weren't using them before. A couple negetive influences the Europeans had on Africa was that they led their African colonies with a harsh and corrupt rule so it kinda set an example for the furture leaders of those countries. Another negetive influence the Europeans had on Africa was that they killed a lot of people and that is not good so ya the Europeans had both positive and negetive influences on Africa.

  2. European influence on Africa was completely negative except on the two that were not influenced. Europeans led Africa with brutality. They did not help the people there and they were greedy. Also they did many crimes that are unexceptable. Since they ruled with such brute force the African people did not learn how to lead otherwise. If Europe let Africa be they would be all right.

  3. Before Europe came into Africa, Africans lived in small villages and lived of their own land. But when the Europeans came they separated families and killed many. They forced them into slavery, made them harvest natural resources, and carry the resources miles. They massacred and maimed thousands. Even When the Europeans left, leaders were still corrupt and there was still slavery. Africa will always be affected negatively.

  4. Europe came into Africa with at first good intentions, but soon power hungry people such as Leopold would take the Congo setting an example of how the Europeans would rule. The Europeans did not only change the way they lived, but changed how they act and work. After the torture and ruthless acts done to the people of Africa this did not change and resumed this through many power hungry leaders.

  5. I think that Africa did benefit from Europe. Europe took over africe to end slavery, and to use their resources. Before Europe came to africa, the africans didn't know how to use their resources so they were going to waste. Europeans showed them proper ways to use their resources. Slavery didn't fully stop but it started to slow down with the help of the Europeans. The europeans set up schools in some parts of aftica to help educate them. So yes I think that africa benefitted from european influences.

  6. I think africa did benefit from the European rule. They didn't have much of a government before Europe took over. They didn't have modern weapons before European rule and the Europeans made schools for the Africans.

  7. I think that Africa did benefit from European rule, but also suffered from it. Europe taught the Africans to use there resource to make profit and they modernized the country with new western technology which made the country more successful.Europe also destroyed the country in many ways with there harsh rule. They forced the natives of each village into slavery,and separated them from their families and some where killed if they didn't meet the certain amount of product collected by the end of the day. Many of the soldiers were order to cut of the workers right hand if they didn't meet the expectation for collecting rubber that day.

  8. I think that the European influence left in Africa was both positiv and negative. The Europeans were cruel to the Africans. They didn't care about tribal boundaries or customs and united the different tribes. this caused fighting and wars that still go on today. The europeans never helped set up stable governments, there for the Africans dont rely know how to govern them selves. the only good thing the Europeans did for Africa is introduce modern ideas and technology.

  9. Overall Europe had a some positive effects on africa and some bad effects. The slavery and forced labor made living terrible. But because Europe came, Africa kind of gave some ideas on modernization. Because the Europeans always had all of the slave workers harvest Africas natural rescources in a very efficient manner, the Africans got a lot better at using their natural rescources.

  10. I believe that Europeans had a somewhat beneficial influence on Africa, but it was put forth in the most brutal way possible. Europe had many ideas, such as modernizing technology, building education, spreading western teachings, and harvesting natural resources. But I believe that Europeans forced all these things upon the Africans, and in a sudden and jarring way. The Africans couldn't adapt quickly enough to "please" their new leaders. Europe suddenly expected a huge output in resources, and if the slaves couldn't deliver, then they were beaten. On the other hand, the Africans weren't living in total peace beforehand. Tribal wars went on, but at least the European rule sort of ended that. Still, it caused a lot more bloodshed than it prevented.

  11. I think that the Europeans had a negative effect on the Africans. They left the country with more problems. Slavery made it so a lot of Africans died. Overall, I think the Africans would have been better if it had been left alone.

  12. i think that Europe had positive and negative impacts on Africa. Some positive reasons were that they modernized Africa with technology, building a public school(education), spreading ideas(western ideas), and lastly probably most importantly natural resources. Even though Europe did all this to improve Africa they did it in all the worst ways possible, they forced everything on the people who had nothing or no energy. The Africas could not take the abuse and could not respond fast enough which left much of the African population(children and older women and men) dead. Much slave trade went on and if the slaves could not perform in their duties then they would be beaten. African culture was more currupt than even now, but they were not always "put together" as first before the Europeans came in. Europe was a curse and a blessing to the African community.

  13. The Africans did benefit from the European rules. Modernizing Africa with better technology, public school system, and just the way things work in the world was a good thing. Think about where the Africans might be if nobody had colonized them. They might be still running around with spears killing rival tribes. Now most of the countries have some form of government and technology. They might of suffered a little with the Europeans harsh rule but if you look at the long term, Africa being taken over was a good thing.

  14. The Africans benefited from european rule they got a better economy, government, school system, technology and medicine. Don't get me wrong a lot of people died when Europe took over and they lost many things but they gained a lot in the process.

  15. No, I do not think Africa benefited from the Europeans. They're still a poor continent and they don't have that many school. They learned to be harsh rulers and now they have many wars and violent activities going on.
