Monday, February 7, 2011


How do countries today promote nationalism? Is there a right way or a wrong way to do this? How do we, specifically in the U.S., promote nationalism? Are you proud to be an American? Why or why not?


  1. Countries today promote nationalism with sports (Olympics), flags, holidays for historical events, and the military. I think there is a right and a wrong way to do this. The right way to promote nationalism is with sports, flags, and being loyal to your country by following laws/restrictions. Some people take nationalism to an extreme, for example people who kill illegal immigrants that come into the United States. That is nationalism, I think in an extreme form which is dangerous. In the US we promote nationalism with the Pledge of Allegiance, president speeches, and we have holidays like Martin Luther King day and Veterans Day for historical events. I am proud to be an American because the US is a free country and you can practice any religion, you can protest whatever you want, we have more freedom then most places.

  2. The US promates nationalism by representing flags at their homes to show that they are proud of their country. I am proud too be an american because I was born here and because I am grateful that I don't have to love in poverty likes others in this world.other countries represent nationalism by their sports that they are best at and their flags

  3. Countries promote nationalism by representing there flags and by putting that they made something on the products they produce. At major events like the world cup and the Olympics countries raise nationalism not only by winning these events but by having there flag there to represent them. There is a right and wrong to promote nationalism what I said above are good ways to promote nationalism. Unfortunately a bad way to promote nationalism is to have a strong military and beat other countries and take them over. In the U.S we promote nationalism by using several holidays like presidents day, veterans day, and July fourth. I am proud to be an American because of all the diversity and acceptance to foreigners.

  4. Countries today try to promote nationalism by having parades, holidays, or flags. As long as nobody gets hurt, any kind of nationalism is good nationalism. We put our flags on some days and we have Veteran's Day/Veteran's Day Parade for the people that have served in our military. I am proud to be an American because we are a strong country and there is a lot to be proud of.

  5. Countries promote nationalism by having flags inside the classroom, having them outside of schools, houses, military bases, and in front on grave stones. Also we have holidays to represent nationalism, and thats a good way to represent because each family celebrates a holiday in their own unique way so nobody gets hurt, therefore making it a good nationalism. The people who represent the military and who serve in the military promote nationalism. Even though thats a violent way to represent it, its for our countries safety. There is no right or wrong way to represent nationalism, i think that it is what it is and it has to be that way because there are only so many ways to represent nationalism. I m very proud to be an American because you can have a dream in this country and very well achieve it because there is just so much here, and everything is at your finger tips.

  6. today people promote nationalism with sports, historical events, the military, and sometimes music. I think there is a right and wrong way to promote nationalism the right way would be what I said before and the wrong way would be for a citizen to strictly enforce the law who isn't a cop.
    I wouldn't say I'm proud to be an american i would say i just don't mind being American.

  7. I think nationalism in our country is seen everywhere. What I tend to see is a sign in a local shop saying "Support Our Troops" or something like that. This is one way that people show pride in America, through pride in our military. But there are even more simple ways to show pride in one's country. We see nationalism at the Olympics or the World Cup, because there is a sports team representing America. Or we see Americans in many other global competitions, anything from musical competitions to academic achievements. There is also nationalism expressed through songs, for example, a national anthem. I guess the only wrong way to show nationalism is if a person was imposing their nation's ideas and beliefs upon others, or if they considered other nations inferior. Nationalism is to take pride in your own country, not to knock down others'.
    I am sort of impartial about my being American, but I do like this country. Here, I have access to a lot of resources, like proper food, water, shelter, healthcare, and education. I know that a lot of countries are in a worse state. So I'm glad to be American.

  8. nationalism in the united states is promoted every where like on tv to join the army, military, marines, air foce. in school they tells us to give food and other nessesties to give to the army. we have a holiday to represent nationalism. i do love this country cause i was born here and my family is here so it mkes sence. Our countrty not like many other countries is modern, and we have acces to many resourses.

  9. Today countries premote Nationalism in a lot of ways, most of them are usually over TV, computer or radio. In the US it is pemoted in TV ads for the army and stuff, but also though campaigning ads for poltical offices. It is also premoted when we say the plege of alligance everyday in school and at sporting events. We also have many holidays that premote nationalism. I am proud to be in America because it a free, many resources, no violent rebellions, clean and running water. We sometimes do not notice it, but many other courties don thave those things that we take for granted everyday...that is why im proud to be in America.

  10. Countries try to promote nationalism in their countries by the different sports they play in the olympics, and having their countries flag hanging all over the place. We promote nationalism in the U.S by saying the pledge of alligance everyday, and having our flag remind us of our country.I am very proud to be an american because I feel that our country has many more benefits and a lot more wealth than other countries in the world.

  11. Countries promote nationalism in their countries by the different cultures and sports they play. There flag resembles something very important to the country and its heritage. Supporting nationalism means you follow, fight and support your country and some people are willing to die for there country. I am proud to be an american becuse are country has alot more benifits than other countries and most people move to america to have a better life.

  12. Countries show there nationalism by hanging there flaggs and celebrating different traditions of there culture. Most Americans are proud of there country. Americans have freedoms others do not. flaggs and symbols are to show that you support and believe in your country.

  13. Countries show their nationalism by singing their national anthem before events or they might have flags of their country. Americans promote their nationalism by paying respect to the army and saying the pledge of allegiance.
