Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Treaty of Versailles- Fair or Unfair?

World War I was the first war of its kind. No one could forshadow the amount of destruction it would eventually cause, not just in war casualties, but economic, political and physical destruction as well. When the war ended, the Allied Powers, specifically Great Britain and France, inflicted heavy consequences on Germany of which they would never recover from. Do you think the treaty was fair, considering the damage that was caused? Can you blame Great Britain and France for their demands? If there was one aspect of the Treaty of Versailles that you could change, what do would it be and why?


  1. I think the treaty of Versailles was fair. Germany lost so they should have to follow the demands of France and Britain. Just because Germany had a lot of damage done to their country doesn't mean they can avoid the consquences that they deserve. The treaty wasn't even that hard on them, it was good in some ways. They took away some of their military power which is good so they can't start another world war. They should also have to pay for the damages they caused because they didn't have trouble paying for it until the Great Depression. But I would let them keep their land because I would feel bad for the civilians that didn't have anything to do with the war and have to suffer those consquences along with their country.

  2. I think the treaty of versailles was fair because Germany started the war and should betaking blame for it. because of the war they damaged many countries thus they should pay the countries back for what they did to them. those countries didn't deserve the damage that had been done to their country. they made others suffer and have their country be damaged jut because Germany wanted to win a war I think it was a good idea to limit the size of their military because if they did happen to start another war they wouldn't be able to cause half the damage they caused in WWI. so therefore I think the treaty of versailles was fair.

    1. Germany has nothing related to the start of the war, this was between Austria-Hungary and Serbia. Germany did not even start the war, in fact they were the third country to join. First, it was Austria-Hungary, then Russia, then Germany followed by France and Britain. Lastly America in 1917. Did Britain not cause damage to other countries, what about France and America? They limited their army to only 100,000 volunteers and that amount is not enough to wither protect their borders (because France had not disarmed), or contain any revolts or revolutions caused in the country because the Germans highly disagreed with the terms of the treaty. The reparations that they paid equal $768 billion (today's value), but was later reduced to $402 billion (today's value). They only stopped paying them in 2010. If disarming/ world peace is what you want, then why didn't the rest of the countries disarm? How was it fair on Germany alone? France could start a war at any time, nothing would stop them from taking over Germany and maybe even the whole of Europe. From reading the rest of these answers, it sounds like you guys don't know to what extent the army was limited to or any other statistics. It is true that Germany was partly to blame, but not fully. And, the harshness of the treaty only provoked them even more to start WWII.
      I am not saying your opinion is wrong, it is just not supported with enough of the right facts, these facts only oppose your opinion.

  3. I think the Treaty of Versailles was unfair, even though Germany started the war, the other countries didn't have to fight and go forth with it but they did, so they contributed to the war too, not just Germany so in my eyes i dont think its completely germanys fault. yeah, they did destroy many countries, but its not germanys fault for having extreme power and a good army. germany was a strong, powerful country that had a well built up military and only succeeded on gaining strength. they wanted to win the war really badly, so they expanded their military, and its not a bad thing if germany builds that up because thats what builds a good , strong country. even though it might not be economically smart, its physically smart. i dont think it was a problem for them to expand their army, especially because if they didnt go to war and some other country tried to attack Germany, they could at least be ready and have a nice, big powerful army at their hands. this is why i think the treaty of Versailles is unfair.

  4. I think the Treaty of Versailles was fair because Germany is to blame for the war. The war greatly effected all the countries involved. Most had a lot of physical damage done to there country. The Treaty of Versailles rightfully requires Germany to pay for the damages done to other countries as a result of the war. Also because Germany lost the war, it is only right that they should have to listen to the other countries. Germany deserved to be left out of the Meeting in Versailles.

  5. I think that the treaty of Versailles was fair because Germany was to blame for World War 1. They should have to pay back the demands of France and Britain even though there country received the most physical damage. The treaty had taken away some military rights but it was to make sure that they didn't start another World War. They weren't able to pay for the damages when the Great Depression had hit the country but they could've found other ways to pay back damages like letting the other countries sell there products. Germany deserved the Treaties rules and regulations.

  6. I think that most of the treaty was fair. I think that Germany should take the blame because it doesn't really affect their country. The limit on military just makes sure Germany has no chance if they attack anybody. I do think that they shouldn't have to pay full reparations. I think at the least pay for most of the damages.

  7. I think the treaty was kind of fair. In one way i think it was fair because Germany pretty much did start the war by building up their military and they also lost the war so its natural to make the loser pay for everything. And even though its unfair to the loser Germany its even more unfair if you made the winner pay for the damages so i think it was the best decision. And i dont blame Great Britian and France for their demands because if you can force another country to pay for something your obviously gonna do it. Keeping Germany's military at a size limit was also a good idea so they dont attack anyone. I wouldent change anything about the treay if i could because it was the fairest thing to do.

  8. I believe that the treaty of versailles is fair because Germany was being very greedy for power and land and ended up starting the war. I think it is fair that Germany should be forced to give up land that they had taken because they lost, also Germany should be disarmed mainly because they wouldn't want Germany to start another war. I don't really believe that the war was all GErmanys fault, I think its a combination of countries. Also, I think it is a little unfair to make Germany pay 30 billion dollars back in repermations when there whole goverment and economic system is destroyed. If I could change one pieve in the treaty of versailles id probably change the money paying aspect to fit Germanys state after worldwar I. So id let Germany get its economy together then I would start to let them pay us back.

  9. I think it was fair because Germany started the war they had a chance to stop when Russia asked but they chose not to. The punishment they got was fair because so many people died in world war one, and they destroyed France so giving back land to them was fair. The punishment could have been a lot worse.

  10. I think that the treaty of Versailles was fair. Germany was the one that started the war and they lost it too. So they are accountable to all of the death and damages. Also they have to do everything that France and Britain tells them to. Although I don't think that Germany had to pay 30 billion dollars in the Great Depression. I think a better alternative would be having German civilians work to refurbish France and Britain. This would give Germans work and pay and it would pay France and Britain back in labor.

  11. I think that the Treaty of Versailles was fair because Germany caused the war. Great Britain and france had every right to blame Germany and make them pay reparations. Britain and France probably did the right thing demanding all those things from Germany. One aspect that I would change about the Treaty of Versailles is that Germany should not have taken full blame for the war.

  12. I think that the Treaty of Versailles was fair because when it all comes together Germany was most of the cause for war, the Austrians needed help but that doesnt mean Germany should use this as a time for excuses to get away from the fact they were instigating the war. So the Treaty of Versailles was mostly fair just not about the full blame for the war, because Austria had a minor part in the cause.

  13. [Technically, Germany DID NOT start the war. It was Austria-Hungary that started the war.]

    I feel the Treaty was unfair because Germany shouldn't take all the blame for the war. Furthermore, the treaty was harsh as Germany did not have a say in the Paris Peace Conference and the treaty was a Diktat. Germany was forced to accept the terms and conditions of the treaty, which included:

    - Territorial reduction:
    - Germany lost all overseas colonies in Africa and Asia
    - Alsace-Lorraine and the Saar Coal Region was given to France
    - Territory between Germany and East Prussia was taken to form the "Polish Corridor"

    - Demilitarization:
    - Size of army restricted to 100,000 men
    - Navy restricted to 15,000 men
    - No Air force, tanks and submarines

    - Reparations:
    - Demanded 269 billion gold Reichmarks, equivalent to 6,600 million pounds then.

    All these restrictions made it impossible for Germany to defend herself, and the reparations were absurd. Germany had just lost a war and had to pay for her own reparations as well as a huge sum as part of the treaty. Germany was humiliated and think about it, the terms posed were mainly what the other countries wanted. Britain wanted a strong navy, so she restricted Germany's manufacture of superb submarines. France wanted revenge and a harsh treaty, thus she took Germany's sources of revenue (Alsace-Lorraine ans Saar coal fields). So, i feel the treaty is unfair.

  14. I think the traty of versailles was unfair to germany.
    Firstly they were banned from the negotions leaving the big three to set the conditions to increase their personal benifits.
    Secondly it was largley based upon penalising Germany. The War Guilt Clause effictively blames Germany for the war and states that Germany must accept responsibility for the war. By forcing Germany to accept responsibility for the war, the other countries were free from the penalty.
    The military clause was the harshest and most damaging clause, and was greatly disapproved of by Germany. The size and power of the German army was one of her greatest assets. By restricting her to an army of only 100,000 volunteers, the Treaty left her defenceless and vulnerable. . The army was a symbol of German pride and an important political source of nationalism. Having most of it taken away ruined Germany's Great Power Status. The military conditions were harsh and restricted the German army greatly while other countries continue to build up and expand their own military.

  15. I believe the treaty of versailles was not fair on Germany because they didn't start the war but had no choice but to take blame for it. It was not so much a treaty but a diktat chosen by the allies. Although Germany was major player in the war, the money the had to pay a reparation was an unfair and unreasonable amount.

  16. I think the treaty of versailles was unfair because, the Germans had lost so much of their military power they could not defend themselves against even tiny nations. They had to pay reparations which they were incapable of paying and it not only affected the people in the war but their children's children.
