Sunday, April 3, 2011

Communism in Russia

Based on what you've learned about the problems Russia was having prior to and after the Russian Revolution and what Vladimir Lenin and Josef Stalin did to fix those problems, do you think the people of Russia benefitted from Russia becoming Communist? Why or why not?


  1. When we hear communism we think of sad people, terrible living conditions, and people being taken away in the night for no apparent reason. All of those things happened in Communist Russia, but there some upsides to communism too. There are many free government programs like day care, education, and health care. Russia industrialized, which may bring bad housing, and low pay, but Russia could move on from its unindustrialized state. Russia at this time wasn't the best place to be, but there are some good things about it.

  2. The people of Russia benefitted from being communist by recieveing free education, free day care for children, free medical care, and many other benefits from their country. By having more educational opportunities they had a wider variety of jobs. Women gained more rights and could hold jobs and get an education. Women were able to work in construction, which most of us think as a mans job, but if they could work then that was fine. woemn could leave their children in the free daycare while they worked or went to school. So yes i think that russia benefitted from being communist.

  3. I feel the people of Russia had some benefits. For one thing they had public school systems and did not have the feudalism system. With free medical care and many benefits from their country. Otherwise I feel that they did not benefit from being communist because the dictators took control and became totalitarian. Stalin murdered many Russians under his control.

  4. I think that communism had both positive and negaive effects on Russia's people. It was bad because you really didnt have any social freedom and if you critisized the goverment than you would be taken to harsh labor camps. It was also bad because you could be taken away without a trial or even being convicted of anything. It was good for Russia's people because it gave them free education, free medical care, day care and many other great benifits. It also gave women more rights and the ablility to do more things. So overall I think communism was okay for Russia's people.

  5. Russia's communist government has its ups and downs. I feel that the communist government had way to many harsh rules and laws like, if you talked about revolution or talked badly about the government you could be instantly exiled, inprisoned, or killed. Also,you didn't have any privacy because the secret police could go through your private mail, and listen in on everything your doing. But the communist government did have some plus's like free medical care, free education, free day care and more rights for women. All in all I think that the communist government wasn't to bad for Russia.

  6. I think that the Russian people did and didn’t benefit from Stalin and Lenin. They benefited because their country was in good hands. On the other hand the laws in Russia were very strict and some ended up dieing because of famine.

  7. I think Russia was really desperate for a change. Citizens wanted industrialization, rights, and wanted more worker/peasant power. To be honest, I thought Lenin was a better leader than Stalin, because he didn't use quite as much terror, and he made the population temporarily satisfied. Lenin also ended their involvement in the war, so they could focus on themselves. When Russia became the USSR, Lenin did great things like focused on gov't and economic reforms. Overall, he established a peace in the midst of control

    Stalin, however, decided to take a totalitarian approach. He used terror and propaganda to gain complete control over everything. He also purged critics and took a much more strict control over Russia.

    Though I believe that the first phase of Communism was better, Communism in general benefitted Russia because it brought them a solution that most of the population seemed to agree with.

  8. The people of Russia had more benefits being communist.The people received free education, free childcare, free medicare and many more benefits. Since there was free education more people were able to be skilled in varieties of jobs. Women also benefited from Russia being communist.Lots of women got more respect and were able to work and support there families. I think that Russia did benefit from being communist.

  9. Russia going communist had its bad out comes more than the good ones,besides starving and living of small amounts of money the people got an education, affordable housing, and women got more power. Even though they did get those they were still rebuilding a destroyed, traumatized and low spirited Russia back to what they could after the overthrow of the government. Altogether i feel as if Russia turning communist slightly helped them but the downsides were much greater

  10. the government had its good days and bad but the Communist ruling i think was way to harsh for the people of Russia. The russians were starving and all their money was distributed equally so even if you had the best job you would still get paid the same as the ones with the worst job. Yet the good parts were that the people could get an education(free), there was affordable housing, and women got more rights. Even though that seems great, they were still in somewhat of denial because they had to rebuild all of Russia from the destroyed, ruins it was in, and they had to do that after having o get rid of the government. The russians were constantly being watched and spied on by secret polices..etc. They got no privacy at all and had to share everything. they could have no secrets in russia. I think the Russians were slightly helped by Communism but the downsides overpowered the up sides to it.

  11. I think that the people of Russia did benefit from communism. They got free housing, free education, and free medical care. A negative of communism was that power could fall into the wrong hands. Stalin was a very cruel dictator that made Russia a horrible place to live.

  12. Communism work really well for Russia. They got housing, child care, health care, schooling, food, jobs. The only problem was the person that was ruling. Josef Stalin didn't give the people of Russia privacy and he didn't give them a trial if he thought they were guilty for something.
