Thursday, May 12, 2011

Killing Bin Laden

Last week, the U.S. rejoiced with the news of the death of public enemy number one, Osama Bin Laden. People flowed into city streets and cheered, sports arenas celebrated with "God Bless America" and even here at AHS, students and staff marched onto the front lawn to say the Pledge of Allegience. Yes, he was number one on the FBI's most wanted list, but even after news of Hitler's suicide in 1945, people didn't celebrate in the same manner as we did last week. Do you think it was right to celebrate the death of Bin Laden in the way we did in the U.S.?


  1. I personally was happy that he died because he killed many innocent people In America. I don't really get why people weren't happy, because of Hitlers death maybe because he killed himself and we weren't really apart of the war we were more towards the end of the war.Hitler didn't attack us like Bin Laden did. That's probably why no one rejoiced after. Also people were probably glad it was over and were hoping to get back to their lives.

  2. When people said Osama Bin Laden died, wasn't persuaded, people had said this so many times it was almost like The Boy that Cried Wolf. Although when everyone was saying it, then I believed it. I was happy for all of the people's families that died in 9/11, but we shouldn't have celebrated like we should. Not because it was rude, but because there will always be a public enemy #1. And people will always die, too. People are saying that Bin Laden's successor, Al-Zawahiri is even more radical and dangerous. Will he become public enemy #1? Maybe. Will he die? Yes. What I am saying is that it doesn't matter if a person is happy that someone will die because everyone will die sometime.

  3. I do think it was right that we celebrated the way we did because most of us in the highschool were in kindergarden up to 3 rd grade and we were raised knowing he was a "bad" person. i think with him being dead the people that were lost in 9/11 were given the justice they deserved because they would still be alive now if 9/11 never happened. so YES i think it was right the way we carried out his death

  4. I think the US had every right to celebrate the way we did, only because he was one of the FBI's most wanted, number one. i think we upset a lot of people got upset by the way we celebrated though. whether it was people here or the people back in his country. He was considered a God to his people and people worshiped him. It was a time of relief and a feeling of some justice being done to the families of those who dies in 9/11. there will always be dangerous people in the world, but i think we celebrated so much because we have been looking for him for so long and it was up in the air for so long i think it was really just a time of relief for most people and they can just say that one of the worlds dangerous people is now dead.

  5. I am happy that Bin Laden was killed. Although I do not feel that we can celebrate in such a manner. I think I know why we did though. With Hitler the American's did not get the satisfactory kill unlike with Bin Laden U.s. troops shot him personal which gives us pride unlike with Hitler who committed suicide. And with 9/11 the deaths happened on United States soil unlike with Hitler.

  6. Having a family member fighting in Iraq, I am happy that Bin Laden was killed. I think the celebrations in the U.S. were appropriate and expected from the people. First of all, Bin Laden hit home, whereas Hitler was more a threat to Europe. No doubt Hitler was incredibly deadly, but he never directly attacked the U.S. Secondly, we have much more instant media today, and in the 1940's they had to wait a couple weeks to get the news that Hitler had died. So the turnout wasn't as exciting. After Bin Laden died, people could see if there friends were out in the streets celebrating through their facebooks or twitter feeds, so the news got out faster and more suddenly.

  7. I think that celebrating Bin Ladens death the way we did,was very appropriate. The people who were killed during the 9/11 attacks finally got justice when there murderer was killed. I think it also gives a lot of people reassurance knowing that they dont have to worry when the next terrorist attack was expected.

  8. I think that it wasn't unreasonable that we celebrated Bin Ladens death with so much rejoice. Whether people with family members that died during the 9/11 attacks wanted the feelings of revenge, or the people in general feel considerable better and safer because of his death, I think its reasonable to do what we did after his death. Since we actually killed Bin Laden with our people and since he individually attacked our people we probably feel better about his death than hitlers death because Hitler didn't really affect our country that much, and we didn't kill him, he killed himself.

  9. I think it is appropriate to celebrate Bin Laden's death, but I feel people took it too far. He was the #1 person, but it's only one person who got killed . It ain't like we killed everyone in Al-Queda . There still will be terrorism and even though we got a little inside information it isn't going to be a huge difference. Also I think it wasn't the smartest idea for America to celebrate this much because it will only make Al-Queda want to attack us more. Its right to be relieved that he is dead, but we shouldebt get carried away.

  10. I think that it was right for people to celebrate like the way they did because some people wanted revenge after the 9/11 attacks. They must have been very happy that the person that planned the attack was finally captured and killed. But I do not think that we should be this happy because there will always be terrorism and we can not prevent it.

  11. I think the way the death of Bin Laden was somewhat acceptable because even thought the U.S. did not celebrate Hitlers death the same, times have changed. Both Bin Laden and Hitler claimed many lives and changed a part of history so i think celebration to a degree is called for the death of Bin Laden.

  12. I don't think celebrating bin laden's death in the way we did was appropriate. He was a horrible person and deserved death, but no one should ever celebrate death. It's one thing to feel a sense of relief,but celebrating was uncalled for. “I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy.” ~ Jessica Dovey.
